Unfold Yoga + Wellbeing

Managing Arthritis
with Bernie

September 29 (Sunday)
at 2:00 pm

Class length
120 minutes

Are you experiencing symptoms of Arthritis? Most people think that it is inevitable that as you age you will get arthritis. But that is not true for so many people. So why you? Why me? and What can we do about it?

Join Bernie to discover what can be done to manage arthritis and improve your quality of life! 

Bernie was diagnosed with osteo & rheumatoid arthritis in 2020.  After 4 years of increasing hip pain and decreasing mobility she was scheduled for a hip replacement which, due to lockdowns, did not happen.

With a dedicated practice and the gifts of Yoga and Mindset Bernie has gone from being on crutches for 2 years to walking again without any medical intervention!

This workshop will give you practical experiences to support you in managing your arthritis.

Book  your place 👉🏽 https://tinyurl.com/GT-Workshop

Enjoy the workshop and perhaps stay for the Restorative 4.30pm class too! 

Bernie truly embodies her belief in the healing power of yoga:  "Yoga teaches us to cure what need not be endured and endure what cannot be cured." - BKS Iyengar


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