Unfold Yoga + Wellbeing

Women's Circle
with Abi

September 22 (Sunday)
at 2:30 pm

Class length
60 minutes

As full moons symbolically invite us to let go with intention for the month ahead, this is a dedicated space to slow down and reflect with meaningful and seasonal rituals to deepen connection with yourself and other lovely souls.

Gather with other beautiful women to reflect and share intentions for this next season of light, growth and renewed energy ✨

Introducing Abi Catchlove who is facilitating this weekends Women’s Circle

As a Masters qualified and clinically registered counsellor, I facilitate women’s circles as a dedicated space for wellbeing by deepening connection to yourself and other beautiful souls.

Held Counselling Space creates a safe space for you and other women to gather and slow down. Although led by the full moon each time, each circle will offer different structures, including aspects of the following:

* seasonal rituals
* meditation/mindfulness
* time for journalling/self-reflection
* space to share, as you feel comfortable

Full moons symbolically offer us an invitation to let go with intention for the month ahead. We do this by carefully musing on our internal and cultural understanding of what this means to us individually and collectively.

I look forward to holding space and compassion for your being.

Abi Catchlove
Student of the Unfold community


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